tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I had no idea I felt so passionately about people I care about smoking until people I care about started smoking. It's hard to speak up about something that can make you seem "self-righteous," but I just hate to see people make decisions that I know won't turn out well. Six months ago, I watched my family mourn someone we loved... someone who quit smoking more than twenty years ago, and someone who died from smoking. Three weeks ago, another exchange student lost her grandfather in the exact same way. And now, seeing people on our team starting to smoke... it makes me sick. I decided today that I wont stay in the room/at the table with them if they're smoking. I won't be around that junk.

On a MUCH more exciting, positive note... one of the student leaders at El Pozo accepted Christ at church today! Elsa has been close to accepting Christ for a while, but never has. I guess, last week during communion, she asked Erin (one of the El Pozo staff) if she could take the bread and cup. Erin said that if she believed that Jesus died for her sins, she could. Elsa said "I believe" and took them. This week, they asked for anyone wanting to make a public confession to come forward, and she did. Erin said they're going to talk to her about baptism this week. That'd be huge. It's cool to see God bringing the team towards the goal they prayerfully set. Very exciting.


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

Boo smoking. Good for you.

1:53 AM  

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