tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Friday, September 01, 2006

insert your own clever title here.

I don't really feel like I have enough to say about one thing to write a full entry, but I do have a lot of little things, and I really want to put them down in some sort of written form. So bear with me, as I jump from topic to topic.

- Today marks the official one month mark (if you consider a month to be four weeks, rather than from Aug. 4 to Sep. 4... but now I'm just getting technical). I can't decide if it seems like much longer or much less time. The days fly by - every day, at 6 or 7 pm, I say (out loud or to myself) "seriously? it's evening already?" ... at the same time, it seems FOREVER ago, that I was in Kansas. The fact that we've been her for a month is also somewhat startling, since it means that I am 1/4 of the way through this experience. I hope the learning, growing, and impacting the lives of people only increases for the next three and a half months.

- I went to this salsa club called "La Casa de Mohito" last night for the second time. Last time, only a few of us went. This time, all ten of us did. I danced once the first time and didn't enjoy it. I didn't dance last night, and after about 90 minutes, three of us decided we were ready to go. None of the three of us enjoyed ourselves, and we agreed to not go back. One of the ten team members keeps saying "you have to do it, we're in Mexico!" and we all agreed that's stupid logic - if you hate something in the States, it's not bad to hate it here, too.

- I have stopped saying "in America" because someone told us that it's very offensive to Latin Americans - they are just as "American" as we are, and we are just as much in "America" here as we are at home. I mostly just say "in the States" now.

- Yesterday during Cafe Ingles, we had conversation starters, in case Mexicans wanted to practice normal conversation (instead of playing games, etc.)... Megan, Kassie, and I tried them out for a little while. I asked Megan to tell me about her best friend (it was one of the provided questions), and it was beautiful. That, in combination with a conversation with my best friend the night before, was a great reminder of how beautifully God can show His love between people. To hear Megan speak so passionately about how wise and compassionate her best friend is, and how much she has taught her about the love of Christ... it was just cool. I think I will always have a special place in my heart for such friendships. I think many people never have them, and I'm not saying that countless close friendships aren't important... but those who are blessed enough to experience such a friendship... it's just cool.

- This has been much lamer of an entry that I anticipated. I apologize. I have to go though - time to go out for the evening. In conclusion, I love: Mexico, best friends, and hooded sweatshirts. (That has nothing to do with anything... I'm just wearing one right now.)


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