tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

en vivo

the first "en vivo" was tonight. I didn't actually get to see it - I was downstairs, cooking dinner - but it seemed to go really well. It was a pretty full house, but some of the people I really hoped to see didn't show up. One girl, Samantha, reminded me of me freshman year...she said she's really busy, and doesn't really know a ton of people at El Pozo, but she feels comfortable there. She's older than me, but I can tell she's hungry for something... I hope she comes around.

Hopefully, this Thursday will include lunch with my friend Ivette. She's hilarious, and we have already had some really great conversations. Pretty good, considering the first time we met our conversation was "Como te llamas?" (what's your name?) and me staring blankly back at her. She's one of the few (maybe 25%) of the leadership group who is actually a Christian. She's such an important part of El Pozo, and I have loved getting to know her.

Life here is pretty good. Classes are a challenge while I'm in them, but they aren't very much work. I want to do well in them, but that's really just because doing well means speaking Spanish well, which would be a very good thing. I'm becoming much more comfortable here, too. I have hard days, but I never doubt that I'm supposed to be here... that's pretty freaking awesome. I already have nine true friends, and I have spoken more candidly with them than I do with most other people in my life. Kassie and I have already talked about how hard it'll be to separate from this group of wonderful people.

Our wonderful intern, Betty, could use some big-time prayers in the next 24 hours. I guess they found a pretty massive cyst and several lumps in her breast recently, and she went to the doctor yesterday and today for testing. They'll have the (preliminary, at least) results of the tests tomorrow night, and it's a pretty big deal. Betty is a crucial part of El Pozo, and she has been through so much crap in her life. She is someone you cannot help but love as soon as you meet, and it is impossible to imagine this semester without her. She has her struggles, but she is a strong, growing Christina. So... if you think of it, pray. Thanks.

Time for bed.


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