tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Monday, July 10, 2006

tick tock, you're not a clock

Is it sad that the only reason I'm still awake is because I'm making sure my cousin gets back to our house safely? If he were already home, I definitely think I'd be fast asleep. =)

I started reading one of Madeleine L'Engle's nonfiction books today, and it's amazing so far. The book is called "Walking on Water," and it's a collection of her thoughts on faith and art - she includes (and actually focuses on) writing as an artform. Of course, I'm the antithesis of an artist: I think in terms of logic and science, and I am basically completely lacking in any sort of artistic ability. But this book appeals to me because of the way that she portrays an artist. She argues that any true artist - anyone who lets themselves be absorbed into the work of art - is glorifying God. She discusses how true artists bring "cosmos from chaos," and that gorifies the Lord (consciously or not). I may not be an artist, but I would love to, someday, bring "cosmos from chaos" in some simple way.

I was sold on the book two pages in, when she described two posters, together conveying (through imagery) two ideas central to her life: 1) Listen to the silence. Stay open to the voice of the Spirit. and 2) Slow me down, Lord. Later, she shares a quote that describes how the Christian artist (and for that matter, any Christian) is called to live:
"To be a witness does not consist in engaging in propaganda, nor even in stirring people up, but in being a living mystery. It means to live in such a way that one's life would not makes sense if God did not exist."

It's just a a really neat book, so far. (Granted, I'm only a quarter of the way through the book.) I'd recommend it to anyone who loves writing and reading, as well as anyone else.

In other news... well, I guess there's not much other news. The cousin still isn't home. I only have 3 and a half days of work until I get a vacation! I'm pretty excited about this trip. First of all, it's to the coolest state in the nation. Or not. But it is to visit my favorite person in the nation, and we're going to play my favorite "sport" in the nation. (Maybe even twice!) It'll be a blast.

I'm going to go upstairs and take care of the cats. Man, my life is so cool. =)


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

1) Hey, at least your cousin's under 50, right? That makes you cooler than waiting for...well...anyone else you hang out with in KS. =)

2) Man, I'm really excited to get Bright Evening Star, and I definitely want to read Walking on Water. Madeleine L'Engle is so great.

3)"Being a living mystery" is sort of what The Provocative Church is about - not about bringing people to Christ through shouting from the street corners, but by living in a way that makes you different from the rest of the world and makes people ask questions. It's a really interesting concept, I think.

4) Gorifies?

5) Don't the only two people who look at your blog both love writing and reading? And who else is there? =)

2:49 AM  
Blogger Audrey said...

1) That's true.

2) I really want to read Bright Evening Star. I might buy it and The Phenomenon of Man before I leave. (Look up the latter on amazon - you might not like it as much, but L'Engle discusses it, and it seems like something I might like.)

3) I want to read The Provocative Church sometime. That concept is also the basis for Globalscope.

4) Shut up.

5) It's true. I was just writing like I have friends, and that I let them read my blog. =)

8:17 AM  

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