tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Thursday, June 29, 2006

A God-sized dream

This week's assignment for my Puebla devotional is to share a "God-sized dream" with the group. I read this on Tuesday, and hadn't really come up with a good thing to e-mail out to the group. It's supposed to be something that, "once it's answered, you will know that it was the hand of God because you are praying for something so big that you know you can't do it on your own." Tonight, though, I think I finally figured out my "God-sized dream."

I'm dreaming, hoping, and praying that this experience can be the beginning of a life in which I truly trust God. I've seen glimpses of it before. If I had to pick a time in which I feel I was REALLY following God's plan for me, with the least amount of questioning and the most amount of trust, I think I would say it was deciding to go to Puebla. I never chose this path. I came into this year saying, "yeah, it's a cool trip... but not for me." But God led me down this path, and I followed. And it was AMAZING.

So... why do I let it slip away, now? Why do I let worry and fear and mixed messages send me into a frenzy? I hate that, and I'm sick of the life it makes me lead. I hate that signing up for classes and paying fees can send me into a frenzy. I hate that life throws me a curve ball, and I run away crying. I don't want to do that. I want to step up, knock one out of the park, and do it because God is making it happen. It's not even that, though. I want to trust God to do it on His time. I want the certainty in my heart and in my mind that God has a tremendous plan for me. I usually do. But if something comes up that seems to stand in the way of that plan, I freak out. For example (this is entirely hypothetical =)), an e-mail directly contradicting a phone conversation about whether all of my documents are on file at the school at which I hope to study abroad in a month is enough to drive me to tears. I know a lot of this is just the fear of a new situation being expressed, but it's ridiculous. God has a plan, and He will protect me, and He's taking me where He wants me. I know this. I just... I want to believe it. I want to trust it. I want to cling to that when the waves crash down, and I want my faith in God to keep my afloat.

Tonight, at Campus Christians, we talked about being a servant. We talked about how we're not called to be kings, but instead we need to be servants in our communities. This wasn't anything revolutionary, but our discussion of what qualities a good servant displays got me thinking. A good servant trusts his master, right? A good servant, when sent on a mission, doesn't say "master, that's not the fastest way," or "don't you think there's a better plan?" He follows, he obeys, and he recognizes the wisdom and power of the one who leads him. THAT is what I want for my life.

That's enough rambling for tonight. I'm done.


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

It's funny, because just earlier today I was thinking about mundane things and freaking out about Mexico for you. I've been thinking about how you won't actually be that far away...but even so, you'll be in another country. It's dumb, but all of a sudden I was just like, "Man, I bet she won't be able to watch any normal TV in English for a whole semester!" and that was such a weird thought. Maybe that just says our friendship is based too much on TV. =)

On a more serious note, though, I'm glad you're sick of the life you've been leading. I know your heart is yearning for the big plans that God has for you, and yet your human nature is telling you that it's too farfetched to be believable. Don't let your flesh dictate your actions, though. I know God will take care of you. In church on Sunday the pastor was talking about the different roads you can take in life - one to salvation and glory with Jesus, and the other the opposite direction - and how the road to glory will probably always LOOK more dangerous, but it will always BE the safest, because you're sticking close to God. Pretty basic statement, but I thought it was cool.

10:54 PM  
Blogger Audrey said...

I'm glad you're worrying about the mundane things - I have been too busy focusing on the huge, abstract things (ie, "I'm living in ANOTHER COUNTRY. And I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH. WHY AM I DOING THIS?!"), so I haven't even begun to worry about the mundane. Thanks for taking care of that. =)

Seriously, though, thank you. Thanks for the encouragement, and for being a dependable source of that encouragement. I want God to lead me, and it sure is nice to know that I've got some people cheering for me from the edge of the path.

11:04 PM  

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