tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Thursday, October 05, 2006

that's just the way it is

It's only 11:15, and I'm seriously considering going to bed. Normally Thursdays are the nights we all go out to a salsa club, but seven of us have a test tomorrow. So... no Portos tonight. That's okay with me, though. After a busy day filled with class, talking, and playing sports, I'm not especially in the mood to go out tonight. I studied for a while, and I'm sick of it for now. I'll do it more tomorrow. (Class isn't until 2.)

I gave my testimony this afternoon to the exchange students. I'm still not GREAT at being open with people, so it was a little bit scary. I think it went fairly well. I dont know... the last two weeks have been people with hardcore stories, and my life story seems pretty mild in comparison. I know that's not what matters, and I did the best I could to share my story in a context that made sense for everyone there. Regardless, I know it was good for me to do... I think it's important to share my story, both so that people can better know me, and also so that I can gain insight from saying it out loud.

A cool thing happened before Cafe Ingles... Corrie (one of the interns, a recent Tech grad) said she had something for me in the office. We went down there, and she gave me a card that she and the other interns had made for me. It has a cow in a field on the front, and inside it says "Moo-chas Gracias!" All five of the interns wrote me a little note, telling me that they appreciated the hard work I put into Open Mic Night. I guess I did more than I had to - helped in the kitchen a little bit, helped wash the dishes afterwards - but it wasn't really anything I thought was a big deal. I was pretty surprised by (and very appreciative of) their gesture.

I know I'm growing here, and that's a cool thing. There are days where it stretches me, and it's hard... but I know I'm still growing. I hope that doesnt stop. Man... it's so hard to believe, that I'm halfway done with my semester here. I feel like the time has flown by, and I feel like there is so much left to do in such a short amount of time. The retreat is just over a week away, and I hope there's a huge turnout. A group of us is going to Chiapas, the one place I REALLY wanted to go while here, in less than a month. And then... just over a month until I'm home. Crazy.

I had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup today. Angie brought them back for us from the States (she was home last week). It was AMAZING.

I think I'm going to get ready for bed. I've jumped from topic to topic enough for one night.


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