tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Lists, links, and lots of rambling in between

It's been a pretty decent weekend. If not exciting, at least productive. Accomplishments (I use the word loosely) include:

- Trying to convince three high school seniors to come to Tech. I even gave one of them my bed. - Helping organize/attending an institute-wide forum for Student Advisory Boards. Hopefully good will come out of it. If not, at least I got a free lunch and several hours with "hot English class guy" of first semester, freshman year fame. Nice.
- Eating Chipotle! with some friends
- Watching Outbreak with some of the same plus one more friend
- Finishing my taxes, filling out a passport application, and getting passport photos
- Catching up on my chemistry reading
- Three hours of BMED group work

One word of advice... if you're already somewhat worried about the avian flu pandemic thing, I don't recommend Outbreak - I have been itchy all day long. =)

I hate asking my parents for money. Even if I know it's an entirely legitimate reason that I know they support me in (ie, a semester-long mission trip and its related costs), I find it to be a ridiculously humbling experience. I think I was generally just worn down today, but it killed me to have to write my mom an email and ask her about money to cover the cost of a passport. I'm not totally sure why... pride, I guess. She called as soon as she got the email, and was entirely understanding about the whole thing.

I've been reading about Noah lately (well, yesterday and today), and it's been really good for me. With my fourth straight rejecting for a summer internship, I think I needed a reminder that, in the long run, that stuff doesn't matter. Something jumped out at me yesterday: God loved Noah because Noah "walked with God." It's not "Noah walked with God on the way to his cool, new summer internship while holding his transcript showing his perfect 4.0 GPA." (Thank goodness!) But how often do I think it works that way? (Rhetorical question. We all know the answer is "All the time, jerkbutt.") God loved Noah because Noah loved to follow and stay near to God. That's pretty cool.

The next few weeks could be rough. The idea that I don't have to take care of it all is incredibly liberating.

(Random topic jump coming up... NOW)

I had heard about this movie earlier (thanks, claire) , but I talked to a guy tonight who had actually seen it. I HAVE to see it. The preview made me laugh SO hard. (Does that make me a bad person?) Anyway, here it is:
(Click "Trailer")

And while you're at it, here's something else amazing and funny. (My mom sent it to me in an email with the subject line "poetry in motion"... maybe this provides some insight into my family):

Sorry this is so long and so all over the place... I promised myself yesterday that I would take time to write in this tonight, and I guess I actually had a lot to say.


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

Question: are your eyes open in your passport picture?

Also, the first time I saw the Grizzly Man trailer (in a theatre somewhere last year) I thought it was going to be a joke, like those Geico commercials, or at least a satiristic movie. I couldn't believe it was a documentary.

1:18 AM  
Blogger Audrey said...

My eyes are, indeed, open. It may not be the best picture of me, but it's also certainly not the worst. =)

You'd told me about Grizzly Man, and I went "wow, that's ridiculous." But I had no idea how ridiculous this man really is. I can't wait to watch it and be amazed for two hours. Let me know if you want in on this plan. =)

8:04 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

It's ridiculous how expensive passports are. The worst part is that the pictures are never flattering in the least. I look like I've just been punched in the eye in mine.

I saw part of Grizzly Man on the Discovery Channel in February, I think. It's pretty odd, but right in line with the other stuff the director has done. Herzog is just bizarre.

1:25 PM  

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