tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I am entirely overwhelmed by the amount of work that I have to do in the next two weeks. It is particularly overwhelming right now, as yesterday, today, and tomorrow have been packed with studying, meetings, and biomed group work. But then I sat down and made a list of what I have to do before next Thursday... and it is a massive list. It includes homework (ie a 5 page paper about a topic that I have yet to pick but should have picked a week ago), applications (every single one of the positions I am seeking this summer, except for my favorite one, is due on Wednesday), and laundry (I have no clean socks). And to make things even better, I will be in Gatlinburg, TN all weekend. I'm excited about the trip, and I think it will be a most welcome break. I just hope that I can focus on the right things instead of the pile of work waiting for me back in Atlanta.

I interviewed for Globalscope this afternoon. We'll see how it works out.

I'm tired.


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

Next Thursday is a long time from now. I think everyone in the world would have a massive list if they wrote down everything they had to do before next Thursday. Don't stress out too much.

I think your break in Tennessee will only be a good thing if you're able to forget about all your work -- otherwise you will just sit and freak out about stuff and be even more stressed out then when you came.

Just trust God! =) (It's almost like Just Say No, but not quite.)

4:04 PM  

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