tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Friday, April 14, 2006

As usual, my mind is wandering when I should be asleep.

Two GT students have filed a lawsuit against the school because of its policy against "intolerant speech." Their argument is that housing guidlines, student behavior policies, and space planning policies are entirely discriminatory against groups who wish to condemn the behavior/lifestyles of fellow students. Additionally, they are angry about the existence of a school-sponsored program aimed at acceptance and tolerance of homosexual students. From what the legal brief says, these two students (one Jewish, one Christian, both active in the College Republicans) feel discriminated against because they are not allowed to condemn homosexual students. The policies they take issue with are ones that prohibit phyisical and verbal attacks, as well as harrassment and violence. They are angry that the school's policies against intolerance exist.

This makes me really sad. First of all, I know the key figure involved in this case. I knew she was pretty conservative, as well as an active member of the campus Christian sorority and a campus ministry. I had a class with her last semester, and she is well-known throughout her major. I guess... I was just really surprised to see this much anger from her. She is a minority; I guess I just expected more tolerance from someone who, earlier in time, would have been discriminated against. I don't get it. I don't get the whole thing, really. Why do we, as a society, seek to hate first and love when necessary? Why do we feel the need to promote intolerance? There would be no issue with standing on Skiles (the main walkway and "tabling" area on campus) and saying "Jesus loves us, even when we fall short of perfection. " So, why do we quickly elevate a situation to fight for intolerance? And then why do those of us so angry about intolerance jump to the same mindset as those we are angry with? How quickly do we say "how could she do this? what an awful person!" I don't know about everyone else, but I had to stop myself from being angry with HER... not with the intolerance, but with the one being intolerant. It makes me sad.

The last couple of days have been good. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Good night.


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