tales of audrey the girl and theo the newt

stories and thoughts about a girl named audrey, her cold-blooded but lovable newt theo, and the extraordinary adventures of everyday life

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

bandwagon time

This me, jumping on the bandwagon:

1. Closest red thing to you?
My nalgene, sitting next to me on my desk
2. Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
3. Last thing to make you angry?
Myself. I told a story that was stupid and mildly inapropriate after En Vivo and proceeded to beat my myself up about it for the rest of the night.
4. Are you a fan of romance?
Yeah... but echoing Claire's response, the REAL stuff, not cheesy movie romance.
5. Have you ever been in love?
Not as far as I'm aware.


1. Closest green thing to you?
A doublemint gum package
2. Do you care about the environment?
Yeah, but I'm not actively doing anything about it. I did see the Al Gore movie, though. =)
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now?
I again agree with Claire's answer... I'm jealous of things in people's lives, but I wouldnt trade with anyone.
4. Do you like being outdoors?
Yeah... I find that I see God more and more when I'm outside.
5. Are you Irish?
I think I might be a little bit, on my dad's side.


1. Last purple thing you saw?
The writing on my bottle of conditioner.
2. Like being treated to expensive things?
3. Favorite type of chocolate?
This is tough. I really love chocolate.
4. Ever met anyone in royalty?
I would say no.
5. Are you lonely?
At this moment? No. I'm so busy here that I usually enjoy any time I have to myself.


1. Closest yellow thing to you?
Pineapple Zuko. Zuko is this AMAZING drink mix, that's like a weird hybrid between juice and kool-aid. I may die when I return to the US and do not have Zuko.
2. Favorite holiday?
3. Are you a coward?
I don't think so. I tend to be cautious about danger, but I feel like in the last couple of months, I have done things I never imagined I was brave enough to do.
4. Do you want children?
Yeah, I think so.
5. What makes you feel warm and safe?
Hooded sweatshirts. (Big surprise =) ), sweatpants.


1. Closest blue thing to you?
My chap stick.
2. Are you good at calming people down?
I'm not sure. With some people, I think so. I'm definitely good at lightening the mood, which I guess is a way of calming people down.
3. Do you like the sea?
Yeah, I do. I'm not a huge swimmer, though.
4. What was the last thing to make you cry?
Hmm...family stuff, I think.
5. Can you sleep easily?
Yeah, pretty much. I slept on the bus for about 6 hours on Thursday night.


1. Closest pink thing to you?
A post-it note.
What happened to 2? No one seems to have it.
3. Do you like punk music?
Not especially.
4. What is your favorite flower?
I don't know. My mom has some orchids, and they're beautiful.
5. Does someone have a crush on you?
If so, I'm not aware of it.

1. Closest orange thing to you?
A guitar pick.
2. Do you like to burn things?
3. Dress up for Halloween?
Not this year. I was too busy climbing through caves with bats in them.
4. Do you prefer the single life or the security of a relationship?
I've really only been in one relationship. I think I would prefer a good, solid relationship to the single life, though.
5. What would your superpower be?
That's tough. I don't really know.


1. Closest white thing to you?
My UDLA student ID
2. How do you imagine your wedding?
Me in a dress, a guy I'm totally in love with, and my closest friends and family. That's the important stuff.
3. Do you like to play in the snow?
I love looking at the snow, and I love coming inside after being in the snow.
4. Are you afraid of going to the doctor or dentist?
A little bit. Ironic, since I want to be a doctor.
5. Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder?
No. I'm goofy, but I'm also very capable of calming down in the necessary moments.


1. Closest black thing to you?
2. Ever enjoy hurting people?
No. I usually feel pretty guilty about it after I do hurt people.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly?
Both, I think. I'm VERY goofy at times, but I think I'm pretty mature, usually.
4. Would you like to go to space?
No. I used to really want to be an astronaut, though.
5. Do you have a lot of secrets?
I don't think so. But who knows.


Blogger Claire Elizabeth said...

You added an R on the beginning!

10:12 PM  
Blogger Audrey said...

Umm... yes. I noticed my mistake and changed it. How come you didn't correct me when you saw it? =)

11:33 PM  

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